Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Wakil Kepala Cabang – PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura

PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura merupakan perusahaan keuangan modal ventura nasional. Kami bergerak di bidang Keuangan Mikro khusus untuk para wanita dari keluarga kurang mampu (di desa dan kota). Pendekatan kami sama dengan Grameen Bank. Saat ini kami melayani sekitar 130,000 nasabah dan + 700 karyawan yang ditempatkan di pusat, serta 90 cabang di Banten, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tenga. Kami akan terus menerus mengangkat karyawan baru untuk membuka cabang-cabang di daerah kerja baru. Rencana kami adalah menjangkau dua kali lipat nasabah dan karyawan setiap tahunnya, untuk mencapai 1.000.000 nasabah dan sekitar 4.000 karyawan di 500 cabang di pulau Jawa dan kantor pusat pada akhir tahun 2011. (kunjungi website kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut).

Kualifikasi dan Persyaratan
1. Baru lulus S1/D3 (Akuntansi, Perbankan, Ekonomi, Insinyur, MIPA), belum berpengalaman

2. Mempunyai komitmen pada tujuan kami, yaitu meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga kurang mampu dengan pelayanan keuangan mikro (kegiatan sama dengan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat atau BPR)

3. Bersimpati dan siap bekerja dengan para wanita dari keluarga kurang mampu

4. Bersedia tinggal dan bekerja di tingkat kota kecamatan

5. Bersedia kerja di lapangan (desa-desa) dan di kantor

6. Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor

7. Berjiwa ambisius dan mengutamakan karir

8. Mendampingi Kepala Cabang dalam seluruh kegiatan pelaksanaan (manajemen, pengawasan, pembukuan dan administrasi cabang)

Job Location : Jawa Barat & Jawa Tengah
Job Type : Permanent
salary : rP. 1.800.000

Informasi lain
1. Gaji dapat dinaikan sesuai dengan masa kerja dan kinerja

2. Lingkungan kerja bersifat internasional: mempunyai hubungan kerja dengan orang profesional asing, dan berkesempatan untuk pelatihan di luar negeri

3. Kesempatan untuk menjadi Kepala Cabang (6-8 karyawan per cabang)

4. Disediakan tempat tinggal, sembako dan sepeda motor dinas untuk pekerjaan lapangan

5. Diikutsertakan dalam Program Jamsostek

Lamaran dan foto dikirim melalui pos ke alamat:
Ruko Asiatic B15/59, Jl. Permata Sari, Lippo karawaci Barat, Tangerang 15810

atau email kepada Manajer Personalia:


Nama: Hanni Widiastuty
Email: hanni.widiastuty@mbk-ventura.com
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://www.mbk-ventura.com
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance
Tanggal tayang : September 2, 2009
Label : - - - - , mitra bisnis keluarga ventura,PT MITRA BISNIS KELUARGA,pt mitra bisnis keluarga ventura,Mitra Bisnis Keluarga,mitra bisnis keluarga ventura Bogor 2011 pendidikan SMA,pt mitra usaha keluarga,PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura (MBK)

HRD dan GA

–Male/Female age 25-35
- Education S1 in Law/Psychology/HR Management
- Having min.2 years experience
- Strong leadership, interpersonal & communication skills
- Experience in managing recruitment, training & development
- Deep understanding on government regulation, industrial relation, Jamsostek and HR/GA Management System
- Able to work independently and highly motivated at all times

- Responsible for all HR activities: Departmental development, Human Resource Information System, Employee relations, Training and Development, Benefits, Compensation, Organizational Development
- Process all local requirement request in effective and efficient manner
- Identify key skills, speciality skills and propose training needs accordingly
- Identify and handle disputes between staffs
- Develop, implement and review benefits & compensation structure
- Responsible for policy development and documentation

please send email to arthajayaadiperkasa@gmail.com

Job Location :: kelapa gading

Job Type : : Full Time

Salary : : Negotiable

Nama: arthajaya
Email: donny.ariswidyan@yahoo.com
Telephone / HP:
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance, Human Resources
Tanggal tayang : June 21, 2011
, lowongan HRD&GA bogor

Lowongan Kerja Guru Bahasa Inggris

English Tutors Urgently Required!!!

Easy Speak, A fast-growing National English Language Consultant, is hunting for
English Tutors

1) Competent, Experienced, or Fresh Graduates
2) Proficient in English both spoken & written
3) Friendly, Communicative, & Creative
4) Available for being placed in one of the following cities:
a. Batam 0778-460785
b. Pekanbaru 0761-7641321
c. Balikpapan 0542-737537
d. Palembang 0711-350788
e. Samarinda 0541-273163
f. Denpasar 0361-422335
g. Makassar 0411-451510
h. Semarang 024-3562949
i. Bandung 022-76660044
j. Banjarmasin 0511-7069699

If you meet the qualifications above, please send your resume to: easyspeak.recruitment@gmail.com.
Or contact our branch offices mentioned above to confirm prior to sending your resume.

Deadline: July 30, 2011
Visit http://www.easyspeak.co.id for further information.
Make sure that you won’t miss this golden opportunity as the day after tomorrow might be too late for you to compete for this position

Job Location :: batam, samarinda, pekanbaru, balikpapan, banjarmasin

Job Type : : Permanent

Salary : : Negotiable

Email: easyspeak.recruitment@gmail.com
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://www.easyspeak.co.id
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance, Education & Training
Tanggal tayang : June 23, 2011
, lowongan kerja guru


diperlukan guru untuk mengajar privat. syarat: pria/wanita; pernah kuliah (diutamakan s1 perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka); senang mengajar; penampilan menarik; tinggal sekitar Bekasi; punya kendaraan (sepeda motor);

Job Location :: Bekasi

Job Type : : Freelance

Salary : : Negotiable

Nama: pondok belajar
Email: pobe_abc@yahoo.co.id
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance, Other jobs
Tanggal tayang : June 22, 2011
, lowongan kerja guru bahasa inggris di daerah malang,lowongan mengajar privat sma tangerang 2011

Dibutuhkan IT Specialist – Application Developer / Programmer

Dibutuhkan IT Specialist – Application Developer / Programmer, Min S1 (semester akhir), IPK min 2.75. Memiliki pengetahuan/pengalaman JAVA Desktop Application atau .NET Windows Application, Web-based application development (with HTML/Javascript) or ASP.NET, J2EE technology (JSP, Servlet, SQL statement dalam MS SQL Server atau Oracle). Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengetahuan tentang Struts/Spring Framework. Kirimkan CV Anda ke: hrd@mik.co.id/ www.ictjobxchange.com/ pancha.yuliani@mik.co.id

Job Location :: Semua ada di www.ictjobxchange.com. Kunjungi dan raih kemudahannya.

Nama: Harry S
Email: maskot_mbemofc@yahoo.com
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://www.ictjobxchange.com
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance, Designer
Tanggal tayang : June 21, 2011


AETRA is a multinational company with responsibility to manage, operate, maintain and make further investment in drinking water facility for Eastern part of Jakarta. As the PAM Jaya partner, AETRA continuous to work hand-in-hand with PAM Jaya to balance the business interest to obtain a clean water supply. We invite young professional to take challenge and grow together with us for the position of :


Job Responsibility :

To ensure the availability of value added alternatives or options in term of solutions or improvements to company’s Database Management System (DBMS), through systematic identification and analysis of company’s DBMS based on best practices, to support daily operational needs and managerial decision making and problem solving.

Job responsibility includes :

Managing and monitoring the performance of company database
Database administration and support of critical applications
Implementing and monitoring data security standards
Providing advice on how query requests can be more effective

Specification :

Strong knowledge of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
Strong knowledge of IT Database Administration including Database Security
Familiar with Oracle database 11g and MS SQL
Familiar with Unix environment especially Solaris 10
Possess strong analytical skill and high achievement orientation
A good team player and able to quickly adapt with a new and unique environment

General Requirement :

Bachelor degree (S1) majoring in Information Systems, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, or Math and Sciences (MIPA)
Minimum 6 years work experience in IT environment, i.e., as programmer for database applications and/or technical support
Should have minimum of 3 years work experience as Database Administrator (DBA) in a large and complex IT environment, including hands-on experience in database configuration, tuning, and capacity planning
Strong SQL skills. Experience in writing medium to complex level queries in SQL. Having PL SQL knowledge is preferred
Knowledge in Oracle applications and Oracle Business Intelligence is preferred
Experience in Progress DBMS will be an advantage


Job Responsibility :

To perform analysis in order to understand user requirement or problem and to propose solution
To develop program based on the technical specification
To write running instruction for the completed program
To assist system analyst in doing trouble shooting, user training as needed within Application Development & Maintenance Department

Specification :

Knowledge how to implement package application and develop in-house application
Technical knowledge of SDLC, relational database management system & programming concept
Intermediate level of SQL and 4GL programming, NET or Java programming, reporting tools (crystal reports, reporting service, etc)

General Requirement :

Bachelor degree majoring in Information Systems/Computer Science from reputable university
Preferably has 4 years programming experience


Job Responsibility :

To perform analysis in order to understand user requirement or problem and to recommend solution
To perform implementation, trouble shooting and user training
To provide documentation as part of application development process
To provide better solution or improvement to the existing applications and existing policies
To ensure the comprehension of process, methodology, and analysis of IT application systems development and maintenance

Specification :

Strong knowledge and skill in IT application design
Strong knowledge in SDLC and IT Project Management
Possess Project Management experience in package implementation and knowledge about Asset Management System will be an advantage.
Possess strong analytical thinking, initiative, and ability to quickly adapt with a new and unique environment

General Requirement :

Bachelor degree majoring in Information Systems, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering
Should have minimum 3 year experience as System Analyst

If you meet the above requirement, please send your application letter, curriculum vitae, and recently photograph not more than two weeks after this advertisement to :

Email: recruitment@aetra.co.id

(Please use PDF format and file size not more than 5MB)

Before June 30, 2011

Job Location :: Jakarta

Job Type : : Full Time

Salary : : Negotiable
Email: recruitment@aetra.co.id
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://
Kategori Loker : Information Technology
Tanggal tayang : June 23, 2011
Label : Information Technology - IT - System Analyst - IT DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR - IT PROGRAMMER ANALYST,

Dicari karyawan Untuk Staff Kantor


Perusahaan Multinasional yang sedang berkembang dan menjadi pelopor perusahaan trading Indonesia sejak 1998 yang dipimpin oleh personal-personal yang profesional dan memiliki integritas tinggi dalam general trade industry.

Membutuhkan Staff Administrasi khusus untuk beberapa divisi, dan Data Entry NON-TRAINING

Bukan yayasan,jasa penyalur atau outsourcing.

Penghasilan 1.5-2.3 juta.

Profit :

1. Jenjang karir
2. Jamsostek SAetelah 3 bulan
3. Briefing Luar Kota
4. Pelatihan National Championship Trading
5. Extra excentive/month

- pria & wanita
- Usia 18-40 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMU/sederajat – S1(semua jurusan)
- Pengalaman / non
- Supel, kreatif & punya inisiatif tinggi
- Menguasai Microsoft Office & Internet
- Boleh memekai kaca mata dan berjilbab

1. CV & Foto
2. Foto copy Ijazah, KTP
3. Referensi dan Pengalaman Kerja

Kirim Data
Via SMS : nama#alamat#usia#pendidikan terakhir.
Ke. Nomor : 02192598375

Kirim data via email : kharmoni@ymail.com

Atau langsung
datang ke kantor kami.
d/a: Jl. Salemba raya Gedung Kenari Baru lantai 4.ruang 424 (samping Fakultas Kedokteran UI) Jakarta Pusat.

Datang dan membawa surat lamaran + CV bertemu dengan Ibu Harmoni Anastasya – Manager HRD

NB :

* Forward info ini ke teman2 kamu.

* Kirim Data lewat pesan komentar akan ditolak
* Lamaran Via SMS Atau Email akan langsung diproses untuk penjadwalan interview
* penempatan sesuai approvement dari Branch Manager
* Bagi yang ingin datang langsuh harap make appointment (buat janji) terlebih dahulu.

Job Location :: jakarta pusat

Job Type : : Permanent

Salary : : Negotiable

Nama: Harmoni
Email: kharmoni@ymail.com
Telephone / HP:
Webpage: http://
Kategori Loker : Accounting & Finance
Tanggal tayang : June 21, 2011
, info loker terbaru juni 2011 untuk smk khusus jak ut